Me and my friend, diabetes

I was 12 years old when I started going to the bathroom constantly, having unending thirst, fatigue, and many awful headaches.
We didn't know what was wrong so I was taken to the hospital. I spent three nights and fours day there. When they had checked my glucose levels, it read 728. I was scared because I didn't know what diabetes was. All I knew was that my dad and grandma had type 2.
A year later, I went into diabetic ketoacidosis. I almost died in an ambulance truck on the way to a hospital. And I was uncouncious through it all.
I have been getting better, gradually. I still have some problems with wanting to eat sugar but I have been getting better. I am so excited to get an insulin pump because I have been doing so well (as my doctor says). I will never forget the day I woke up in the hospital with so many faces looking down at me. I call diabetes a friends because it taught me many things about life.
**I'm the one on the right :) **

Greenleaf, ID